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  • Laid-off & Restructured 

    Although it is more common in today's market, it never gets easier. Our team of outplacement and career change experts can help you turn the unexpected change into an opportunity to advance your career. Take charge of your career today with the help of award-winning experts.

Experts in Getting People Back to Work After Unexpected Lay-offs & Restructuring

Recently laid-off or worried that a lay-off is coming? The Contingent Plan can help. We work hand-in-hand with our clients to help people turn the unexpected change into an opportunity for their careers. We do this in addition to the outplacement services paid for by your former employer, in addition to, or in the place of those benefits. We know that being laid-off is challenging on many levels, but we are here to help you navigate the process on your timeline.  

Our team of career experts can help you to navigate the unexpected job search process prompted by being laid-off or to be prepared in case it happens. We do this with a depth of recruiting experience, years of testing, and collaboration with our partners. The Contingent Plan isn't just a career advisor or resume writer, we are partners in your career success. 

Outplacement & Career Services

Job Search Coaching

Partner with our career experts to turn the lay-off into opportunity. Unlock your career with coaching and expert guidance to stand out in today's market. Work with the same person throughout to navigate obstacles and maximize your results. 

Resumes + Cover Letters

We build resumes that land more job interviews with our expertise in talent acquisition technology including the ATS. Our recruiting insights help us to also craft the perfect message to connect with the people in the hiring process.

Interview Prep

Put your best foot forward in your next job interview with our recruiter insights, practice Q&A, and honest feedback to answer even the toughest interview questions. 

LinkedIn Profiles

Your LinkedIn profile should work for you in your job search. Maximize your visibility and connect with the right people for your job search with help from our professional LinkedIn profile builders.

Trusted by Professionals From

Job Search Advice

LinkedIn Advice
Resume Tips
Job Search Guidance
LinkedIn Advice

In today's job market, layoffs have unfortunately become commonplace. Many individuals find themselves facing the stigma of being laid off and struggling to navigate the job search process. LinkedIn can be an essential tool for moving forward when impacted by a reduction in force. In this blog post, we will explore how you can effectively use LinkedIn to land a job after being laid off. From optimizing your profile to networking with key connections, we'll provide you with valuable strategies to make the most of this social media platform. So, let's dive in and discover how LinkedIn can be your ticket to your next opportunity.

Resume Tips

Losing your job can be a very difficult and stressful experience. Many people make mistakes in their resumes that can delay landing a new job. Here are the most common resume mistakes made by people that are laid off and what to do instead:

Job Search Guidance

Wondering "What to do if I get laid off?" or "I just got laid off now what"? Losing a job doesn't have to be a bad thing. In fact, if you act quickly and strategically, it can be a great opportunity to make a move to find something that you love while you leverage any severance packages. Here are the steps to take when you get laid off.

Advance Your Career After Being Laid off
with Help from Award-winning Career Experts